Power to your pension

With Portafina, your savings will be invested in a portfolio that has consistently beaten the benchmark.1

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Your pension portfolio, in a nutshell

Your pension portfolio, in a nutshell

Your pension portfolio determines how and where your savings are invested. And even if you take your 25% tax-free cash, that’s 75% of your pension that still needs careful management.

At Portafina we have 5 main portfolios that reflect the different attitudes people have when it comes to how much risk they are prepared to take with their pension investments. And through our portfolios, our clients’ money is invested in over 11,000 companies worldwide.

Taking pension money early isn’t right for everyone because it could leave you with less to live on in retirement. That’s why it makes sense to talk with a regulated adviser, such as Portafina, first.

Power up with a Portafina portfolio

Let’s look at how each of our main portfolios has performed compared with an industry benchmark.2

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. As with all investments, capital is at risk.

2The performance figures are based on actual 10-year average annualised returns as of March 2022. They do not take into account the impact of any associated charges, including financial advice. Source: FE Analytics and Dimensional Return Programme 2.0. When we talk about the benchmark, we are referring to an Investment Association average composition that matches the risk rating for each of our portfolios.

3 reasons why pensions can be so powerful

A properly managed pension is the most powerful savings tool most of us will ever own. Find out why, and how we can help harness your pension potential.

A supercharged engine for your savings

Through our portfolios our clients’ money is invested in Dimensional funds. Created by Nobel Prize winners, Dimensional aims to help you get the most out of your savings whatever the market conditions. As a result, our portfolios consistently beat the benchmark. Find out more about Dimensional here.

A supercharged engine for your savings